

Are you short on time and always use the the excuse not to work out? There are alternatives like the one I did today. Hard Corps. Its a 22 min workouts that will target all your body. Are you ready t... View More
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Tabitha Shipley Independent Consultant with Pink Zebra
New video on YouTube! Create the life you want! AFFIRM! https://youtu.be/DU9-YiNu_Yk Direct Sales doesn't have to be hard!! AFFIRM your success and watch customers and new members come to YOU! ... View More
Tabitha N Shipley
New video on YouTube! Create the life you want! AFFIRM! https://youtu.be/DU9-YiNu_Yk Direct Sales doesn't have to be hard!! AFFIRM your success and watch customers and new members come to YOU! ... View More
Tabitha Shipley Independent Consultant with Pink Zebra
Good afternoon and Happy Tuesday! Do not let obstacles stop you. Get back up when you stumble. NEVER QUIT. Today is a new day and yesterday doesn't matter! #pinkzebra #ThinkBigger #August2020 #w... View More
Tabitha N Shipley
Good afternoon and Happy Tuesday! Do not let obstacles stop you. Get back up when you stumble. NEVER QUIT. Today is a new day and yesterday doesn't matter! #pinkzebra #ThinkBigger #August2020 #w... View More
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Tabitha Shipley Independent Consultant with Pink Zebra
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Tabitha N Shipley
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Tabitha Shipley Independent Consultant with Pink Zebra
Time is running out to scoop up this month's AMAZING Paisley's Pick.....Summer Daze! Don't miss out! Last day to order is Friday July 31st! https://www.pinkzebrahome.com/tabithashipley #pinkzebr... View More
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Tabitha N Shipley
Time is running out to scoop up this month's AMAZING Paisley's Pick.....Summer Daze! Don't miss out! Last day to order is Friday July 31st! https://www.pinkzebrahome.com/tabithashipley #pinkzebr... View More
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