

Alicia Curry
Queen Ma'at Girl Vs Black America: Victimhood Goes Viral In Black USA, Not Courage and Black Dollars! #BLM #BlackVictimhood #cowards #tyranny #communism #socialism #blackpoverty #nfl #nba #gaslightin... View More
Cynthia Donate
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Stop the PC- Fighting to uphold our Constitutional rights
Harley Loomis
If #BLM actually cared about black lives, they'd be saying these names. There are more children on the list, let alone others. https://youtu.be/vAwGn1ej2gI @KingJames @SteveKerr @MalcolmJenkins @Kaep... View More
Ben Bergquam
God Bless Jonathan Isaac for not bowing to the racist Marxist mob! I still won’t be watching because the #NBA has drank the #BLM poison, but I support you sir!
1.2k+ Total views
Cynthia A Carlson
Right on. Hes not drinking the Marxist poison
Like August 8, 2020
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