

The Black Jester
Black Jester Matters Rises 000: One Flu Over The Cuckhold's Nest Going to delve into Hypospadias, and the nasty story of my past, who else will..... #Hypospadias #HypospadiasAwareness #HypospadiasCrip... View More
The Black Jester
The Black Jester
The Black Jester
Next time I get a cystoscopy, I'll take a selfie of the Doctor sounding my cock, would people like that? #theblackjester #HypospadiasAwareness #HypospadiasCripple #Hypospadias #BranchCovidians #vaccin... View More
Golok Z Buday
Golok Z Buday
Golok Z Buday
The Black Jester
My #Hypospadius #Illustration works fine on this teespring cup, they do solid work. Buy a projection my lifelong pain at www.damagedcock.com #hypospadiascripple #hypospadiasawareness
The Black Jester
#HypospadiasAwareness Shirt Design is working well. #HypospadiasCripple is hell, and I expressed this in the #Illustration. Avail at www.DamagedCock.com #hypospadias #hypospade
Golok Z Buday
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