

The Black Jester
Next time I get a cystoscopy, I'll take a selfie of the Doctor sounding my cock, would people like that? #theblackjester #HypospadiasAwareness #HypospadiasCripple #Hypospadias #BranchCovidians #vaccin... View More
Golok Z Buday
It's annoying when they bring kids into things, proving Santorum had a point about slippery slopes, and driving Libertarians like #EricDJuly to wonder... https://odysee.com/@YoungRippa59:a/maybe-we-ne... View More
Golok Z Buday
If this is an issue of lanes, or division of labor, alright. They be the asshole Doctor, and I'll be the asshole Comedian. re: https://odysee.com/@YoungRippa59:a/the-sanctimonious-medical-community:d... View More
Realm Of The Mental Midget Slayer
Golok Z Buday
He played as Barret in FF7, so he knows the whole experience...he got Exp Points. https://trends.gab.com/item/5f1fe4b1887f0971d6ce0036 #EricDJuly
Golok Z Buday
Golok Z Buday
Beautiful, finally someone on one of these channels actually goes in deeper than the panic attacks, on top of bills, you have crap like riders to fear. Lawyers writing law, never a good thing. Civil ... View More
Golok Z Buday
Goths will be pissed, the Vamp conflation. This is great by the way, I see the faux laughter on the Quartering, and your genuine laughter is a refreshing differential. https://trends.gab.com/item/5e7... View More
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