

Samuel Saldana
Samuel Saldana
My newest video: Lilith Moves Seducing Men & Murdering Children #BibleCode. Not many know that Lilith was Adam's first wife and besides teaching Torah in the womb, but she chooses to be a seducer of m... View More
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Samuel Saldana
The Jews, Egyptians and others came to the Americas with Joseph son of Jacob [and during King Solomon time]. They stayed and become the Americas Native Indians. #LostTribesOfIsrael #RabbisForAnusim #... View More
Samuel Saldana
Samuel Saldana
Samuel Saldana
Stroum Lectures 2006: #Messiahs & the #EndOfDays in the Dead Sea Scrolls- Lawrence H. Schiffman https://youtu.be/GdeypEyEPqk
Samuel Saldana
Samuel Saldana
Here a #BibleCode regarding President Trump aka #MessiahKingCyrus Isaiah 45:1. History repeats itself. He helps #Messiah #Shiloh [Gen. 49:10, Zerubbabel, Zech. 4] build the Temple Mount in the #EndOfD... View More
Samuel Saldana
Here is an interesting #BibleCode by Rabbi Glazerson regarding the "Messiah is Waiting?" ! #WeThePeople #Messiah #EndOfDays #ShilohMessiah #KingShiloh #SonOfDavid #benYishai https://youtu.be/wI8mLk2O... View More
Samuel Saldana
For those that still wondering whats going on, I have mentioned before that HaShem [God] & his Messiah ;-) sent President Trump aka #MessiahKingCyrus [he is Cyrus I of Persia & Cyrus II of u.s. of Ame... View More
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