

Alicia Curry
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Jerry kruger
well done :] liked this one allot, it needs to be talked about so many more can really learn
Like February 1, 2022
evette colon
youtube has this one blocked if we don't have a channel
Like February 13, 2022
Alicia Curry
Why do black lives only matter when a black thug dies, but not when black innocent men and women of means die? #BLM #Lies #NieshaBrazell #blackonblackviolence #democraticparty #globalists #LebronJames
Alicia Curry
We the people, the deacent hard working white and blue collar middle class Americans of all races, colors and creeds know that it is the Biden administration and his intelligence apparatus that is at ... View More
Alicia Curry
A heated debate on Black Supremacy in America. Astro World is Jones Town 2.0 and black supremacy's initiation. #TraviScott #JimJones #newworldorder #globalism #democraticparty #LetsGoBrandon
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The Black Jester
Kenneth Mac
Democrats’ Nakedly Partisan Attacks on 'Radicalism' Are Fueling Radicalism – and They Know It http://bit.ly/2KX52Ps #DemocraticParty, #Antifa & #BlackLivesMatter = #Communist Front Groups. #Terrorism
Rubert Brito
Rubert Brito
In base of the "official data", this's the information that #CNN #CBS #NBC #thewashingtonpost #DemocraticParty #DNC #thenewyorktimes don't want us let know. Just think about it
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