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Lucretia Hughes
Lucretia Hughes
Lucretia Hughes
Lucretia Hughes


Gölök Z Buday
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MindFreedom Vancouver, BC
How many people have to die or beaten till they recognize #wellnesschecks & #Car87 for what they are? Forced treatment for what they are? Just an aide to the worst kind of cop, to justify their action... View More
Golok Z Buday
#WellnessCheck, #Car87, it makes it so easy for cops to abuse people, you can call them insane later, have a state psychiatrist hold them up and label them the latest popular condition. This is nothi... View More
MindFreedom Vancouver, BC
The #COVID19 Car 87 Threat: Don't Check Arrests. ..... You check the Mental Health Act. https://www.goliberty.org/?id=284 http://www.mindfreedomvanbc.com/ (https will block viewing of frame) #Car87 #... View More
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