Operation Push Back. The Patriot Rebellion thru $$$!
6 members Politics
It’s time to be an ultimate rebel. From your health to shopping!! 🛍 Shop like you are a Patriot! Get healthy from the core! All Natural Health, Beauty and Skin Care for moms , athletes, patriots, on current events and more. Tips, Advice, News, and Research. Revealing secrets, hidden documented and unknown research, books cliff notes, and links to put them in your hands/insane products including, top Places you need to know that are breaking the agenda rules. Mothers, Mood, Gut Health, Hormones, Leaky Gut, Menstruation, PMS, Anxiety, Inflammation, Menopause, Infertility, Candida, Anti Aging, Acne, Athletes, IBS, Weight Lose, Weight Gain, Metal Detox, EMF, Dieting, Diets, Immune Support, Heart Health, Alzheimer’s, Cancer, Conspiracy Theories, is Patriots, conservatives Health concerns, & More.
Joy Rene
Denise Denise Knight
Joy R KG Baker
Liberty Leaders
6 members Republican Party
Liberty Leaders is a grass-roots organization that was formed by a group of passionate people out of a need to bring back traditional values and common sense to our country. We are American Patriots who are working together to stand up for the rights and freedoms of all Americans. We work within our local communities in order to have an impact on our local government. We are Pro Family We are Pro Life We are Pro America We are Pro Constitution We Back the Badge We meet regularly and are active in many areas of our communities. We invite you to join us and get involved.
John Hrusovszky
David R Klampert
Deborah Taylor
Arizona Blue Wolves
7 members Democratic Party
We represent the commonsense, conservative, patriotic, moderate voices of the Arizona Democratic Party and Party Not Declared persons appealing our mainstream American values. Arizona Blue Wolves are committed to removing Panda (Communist) Democrats from power and positions of influence. Standing against Antifa, BLM, Communism, Socialism and left and or right wing radicals. We will support Democrat candidates and or elected officials that support our ideals. Never defund police. We Back the Blue. All constitutional rights should never be infringed upon by any elected official. We Arizona Blue Wolves are legally registered Democrats or Party Not Declared persons. We are dedicated to patriot, conservative and or moderate values.
Gary Deyoung
Delia Heincig