Covid-19 Uncovered
31 members Politics
This group was created over 5 months ago on FB to give people a safe place to share and converse their thoughts, views, opinions, information etc...about Covid-19 with " like" minded individuals. Over the past couple of months our group has evolved into more than just Covid. We soon realized Covid was being politicized and the members of the group wanted to be able to discuss that here too. So this group is also allowed to share information pertaining to that topic. This group only has 1 RULE and that is to be RESPECTFUL to EVERYONE! Have ADULT discussions WITHOUT disrespect and name calling. If you VIOLATE this 1 Rule you will be immediately BANNED from the group. If you have a ptoblem with a Member please report to an Admin. Thanks, April Lucas
Liberalism is Braindead
22 members Republican Party
A place for those who joined this group on Facebook can migrate to as Facebook gets stricter and worse in their censoring of conservatives. It is an open group so any can join we only have a few rules: like be nice.  no flaming. no major cursing. the platform has certain rules like no porn, etc. so follow their rules. but you won't be censored. you can express your opinion. however, this is a conservative group so please make sure you remember that when posting. if you come to the group to harass members, spout liberal views, try to run down our president (we aren't talking about calling him out when he makes mistakes- humans make mistakes and other humans point them out) then you will get banned from the group. as long as you remember what this group is about, you are ok with us.