Robert Miller
by on July 11, 2021

The Patriot Brotherhood News Updates - 07/10/2021

NightTime Edition: 


Well, the evening sun is slowly starting to set and we are yet blessed with another day of freedom. Speaking of freedom - ‘Freedom 515’ is holding a ‘Freedom Rally At SC State House, Columbia, SC!!’ 


SATURDAY, JULY 17, 2021 AT 10 AM EDT - Your Host will be Corey All-in and Trish Lazarin.


The Public is invited - everyone on or off Facebook. 

On July 17th, Beginning At 10 am,

Freedom 515 Brings Together, Concerned Citizens, Grassroots Groups, State Representatives, and Other Conservative Leaders In The Fight For Liberty From All Across South Carolina. The Attendees Will Join Forces At The State House In Columbia to Take Part In A Family Friendly Event Helping Citizens Get Involved In Saving American Liberties!!


PatriotOak - A Proud Member of Freedom515 North Carolina

The Patriot Brotherhood


‘A Bolt Of Lightning No One Expected’: Fired Trump Appointee Pledges To Sue Biden


Andrew Saul was appointed Social Security Commissioner by then-President Donald Trump in 2019 to a six-year term. He had previously refused President Joe Biden’s resignation request, although Biden had announced that he would continue to run the SSA during the early days of his administration. “This was the first I or my deputy knew this was coming,” Saul said of his firing. “It was a bolt of lightning no one expected. And right now, it’s left the agency in complete turmoil.”


THE DEVIL’S TRIANGLE - Controlled by the demonic mind


The theme from yesterday on the relationship between government, media, and corporate America — what we labeled as an "unholy trinity" — is truly the "Devil's triangle" because the combination of those three incorporates virtually every aspect of the normal person's life. People's political, informational, and economic lives are almost totally controlled by what amounts to a few individuals who all share the same demonic agenda and, as we said, the same demonic mind.


According to leading industry sources, grocery stores across the United States are worried about food shortages. Experts say more grocery hoarding may come as disruptions push America's food supply "near its breaking point". We all remember the rush on the stores in a panic to buy up toilet paper and hand sanitizer. None could be found anywhere and when you did, you were limited to how much you could buy. The United States government and governments around the world are saying that they fear that we are heading for a massive food shortage-no they aren’t, they are creating the shortage so as to control the masses. Hoarding ANYTHING is silly no matter who’s doing it. In my family, we buy for a month when it comes to meat. We buy only what we are going to use and no more. 


Canceled Over January 6th: Former Lieutenant Roxanne Mathai Tells Her Story


The left is so destructive and our puppet president has the audacity to spew BS about white supremacists being a tip national security threat while his regime and his regime's supporters are truly the biggest threat to our nation. (BeMyJaJa) - Sounds like her boss parading around with BLM. We were once the ‘Land Of The Free’ now we have become ‘The land of the Democrat KGB’.


Children Are Not Activists! The Left's War on Childhood Exposed


4-5-6-7-year-old Children Are Not Activists! They should not be taught hate. Parents-stand the hell up before they destroy first the child’s mind and then our country by unleashing these children with this mindset. The Left's infiltration of our education system and what we can and should do about it.

Dr. Ben Carson: We Have to Stand Up to the School Boards on CRT!


Ben Carson discusses racism in American -- including the recent controversy over Olympian Gwen Berry's Anthem "protest". 


I Respond to Squad Member Rashida Tlaib's Moronic Comments About Defunding the DHS


We also need to defund the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, the CDC. The Federal Government is no longer acting like it is OURS! Bloated and self-serving describes OUR Government.


Sara Carter Comes On To Discuss Trump Lawsuit, The Deep-State, and Door-to-Door Vaccination Push


It was asked- Trump should have drained the Swamp the First Time he was in office. How many chances can we afford to give him? He did all he could in those 4 years. He would have had another 4 years should the election not have been stolen. The SWAMP runs deep and very crowded. 


And the Truth Will Set You Free–NYC Finds a 135,000 Vote Error in Election Count


Many people suspect that Joe Biden is not supposed to be the president for this term. But instead, it is supposed to be Donald Trump sitting in the White House. (Everyone can’t be wrong.) New York City election officials are now baffled at finding 135,000 “over-count” votes between two Democrats running at the city level. Now they are wondering if the 2020 election wasn’t rigged. According to the Democrats, those kinds of errors could never happen during a presidential election. (Time to find out.)


‘Discriminating And Harassing’: Police Sue California City Over Anti-Cop Black Lives Matter Mural


The officers also write in their lawsuit that law enforcement told “people above them in the chain of command” that the mural violated state law, but said the city “ratified the conduct and insisted that it remain and persist.”


Democrat Leaders Threaten Another Summer Of Riots


Left-wing activists are threatening the return of the violent protests that rocked the country last summer. Politicians are destroying and looting this country while we sit back and watch. The only Fascism is from the anti-American scumbags on the Left, and criminal Blacks and Whites, in violent murdering groups such as ANTIFA and Lying BLM(Black Liars don't Matter). Every one of these clowns is ‘BLACK’ and they call us racist-silly bastards!




Dr. Bryan Ardis joins Stew Peters and EXPOSES ANTHONY FAUCI for the MURDEROUS RAMPAGE he has engaged in SINCE BEFORE THE VERY BEGINNING of the COVID HOAX! This succinct and concisely speaking Doctor describes the various KILLER COCKTAILS and how FAUCI ABSOLUTELY KNEW that it would KILL PEOPLE - yet he continued to push them anyway!


Oh The Priorities! Democrats Sing Down With Freedom and Willfully Ignore Chicago Murder Rate


The liberals running the show in Chicago have decided that limiting the Fourth of July celebrations is more important than protecting people from being murdered by criminals. The Democrats that are slowly destroying Chicago have taken their fight a step further. Their reluctance to support the nation that gives them freedom is a slap in the face of all those who have served or are serving in the military today.


Air Force professor who taught critical race theory should be fired, GOP rep says


Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., called this week for U.S. Air Force Academy professor Lynne Chandler Garcia to be fired after she publicly advocated for military academies to teach critical race theory to incoming cadets. CRT has no place in education on any level.



I can not express strongly enough how important it is for everyone to listen to this video. Call it a conspiracy theory if you wish and not believe and you’ll be left behind. 


7/9/2021 – Trump's lawsuit includes us! Tucker talks holograms about Joe! Hedgies wedgies!


AZ Deep State Senator Mark Kelly EXPOSED, Clinton Ties, Scandals & Lawsuits Loom


Clinton lawyers, gun grabs, anti-police sentiment, and deep state connections could be the end of the global cabal in Arizona. Mark Kelly has been exposed for a lawsuit that targets political opponents after he was exposed for allegedly dressing like Hitler. All of DC, Clinton's, Obummer and all connected to these sub-humans are GUILTY OF TREASON.


Klaus Schwab, Globalist Elites Planning Attack That Will DWARF COVID-19


The World Economic Forum Executive and his evil cohorts are meeting this weekend to 'war game' their next plot against freedom-loving global citizens as part of their attempt to CRUSH YOU and reign over every living being. (Just an educational guess-right before the August release of the forensic audit in Arizona is when you will most likely start seeing the cyber attacks. In August Unemployment ends creating even greater tension among the masses. Parents are starting to pool their money and hiring certified teachers to teach their children.


Arizona Governor Signs Bill Prohibiting Critical Race Theory Training In Local Government


The governor signed House Bill 2906, “which prohibits the state and any local governments from requiring their employees to engage in orientation, training or therapy that suggest an employee is inherently racist, sexist or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously,” per the governor’s website. The bill passed the House legislature in a 31-25 vote and passed the Senate in a 16-12 vote.


MUST SEE: FBI Special Agent Ted Gunderson Exposes Child Sex Trafficking (McMartin)


Incredible and still they are covering such things up. Sex Trafficking of any kind is wrong on every level the human mind could imagine but ‘Child Tracfficking’ to me should carry instance death there on the spot. They should never see a courtroom. ‘Ted Gunderson’ tells us this story which took place in 1982-some 39 years ago and we thought, or rather a lot of us would have never thought it could have been going on that long. Not on the level that it was. What makes adults have a desire for children? 


Ted Gunderson - The Great Conspiracy 




The horrific story of a satanic ritual survivor(told by Ted Gunderson)


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