God, send through your Son Jesus Christ our Savior and Sanctifier, your Fatherly love upon all darkness, that it may thus repent or remain within your kingdom.
God, send your Fatherly love so that all who persecute us, betray us, wish to do evil, may be kept from doing so by your holy presence!
God send your fire of love on all liars, slanderers, scoffers, so that we may know them in time and be able to guard against them.
God pour out your love on all criminals, on all instruments of violence, murder of blind lust, of power, so that they do not harm us and all humanity.
God, let the holy force of your love, like a thunderbolt, fall to earth when murderers walk the earth bringing destruction to all nations.
God, be with us then, be our savior, our Lord and our leader. Be our shield, our strength and our power.
God, grant that they may know the danger of the time, caused by the deceit of the serpent of old - Satan.
God, be the ruler in all places! Command the darkness to go away to the place of its malice and spare the people.
God, best Father, do what your fatherly love deems good, true and holy in all things!
This we believe and this we are sure of.