Christina Schook
I want more than just a ‘Like’ icon choice!! Too many post that require an idiot button!! Not to the one posting, but to the pic, quote whatever they’re posting. Example, anything Stupid Nancy, Hag Ha... View More
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Steve daSilva
Send a note to the Orbys Administrator, maybe you'll get results.
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Steve daSilva
Send a note to the Orbys Administrator, maybe you'll get results.
Like October 12, 2020
Christina Schook
And this my friends is why I won’t wear a mask, the stupidity & illogical BS!! 😠 I know that the employees are just doing what they're told by the boss but it is a bit ridiculous. LOGICAL FRIEND AT... View More
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Steve daSilva
Leftist owned Liberal logic at work, nothing to see here, move along. .
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Steve daSilva
Leftist owned Liberal logic at work, nothing to see here, move along. .
Like October 12, 2020
Christina Schook
I want more than just a ‘Like’ icon choice!! Too many post that require an idiot button!! Not to the one posting, but to the pic, quote whatever they’re posting. Example, anything Stupid Nancy, Hag Ha... View More
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Christina Schook
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Christina Schook
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Christina Schook
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Christina Schook
Poor baby, he and all the rest of the overpaid children! Bye bye
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Christina Schook
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Christina Schook
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Christina Schook
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