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Tema = Diferencias entre el Rapto y la Segunda Venida
Iglesia Pentecostal Cristo Nuestro Refugio was live
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Dios les Bendiga
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Dios les Bendiga
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Have fun. Tell me all the bullshit you find .
Jerry kruger likes this.
I already went through all 2,000 plus pages. Everyone needs to not depend upon others and just resd all of it their selves. Ive hsve the enails for the past three days. Tom sent sent them too me. I've been friends with Tom Fitton for several year's.
June 2, 2021
White House staff are actively discussing an exit strategy for Dr Anthony Fauci following the release of his emails yesterday, per WH official
Gozateeee estamos en vivo
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Dios les Bendiga estamos en vivo gozateeeee
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