Roberto Lopez
on January 29, 2022 7 views
A letter from a Freedom Convoy trucker who wanted to share his story:
Hi all. We arrived in Thunder Bay today. I am having a hard time finding words to express the momentum of this convoy. The convoy is 100 km long and is growing all the time. The support that people have is overwhelming. Arriving in Winnipeg yesterday was quite emotional, the communication radios were quite silent because no one could find words to express what we felt. There were people crowded on the shoulders of the streets. Parked cars and people for miles and miles on the ring road that surrounds the city. The horns never stopped sounding! On the four lanes out of Winnipeg, we thought it was downtime, but we ended up driving 3-12 mph for hours on end. People had camp fires lit in the ditches, fireworks, a sprinkler with booms, and big Thank You! Signs on the booms. Crane trucks with arms raised with signs, flashing lights and flags. The shoulders of the four lanes full of people and cars. Overpasses full of people. Tons of families, young children, all bundled up. Everyone jumped, danced, waved banners, flags, and lanterns. All in -30. Seeing how happy the children are, their smiles get you a little emotional sometimes. This is how Canada is supposed to be. This morning, going to Ontario, the support is amazing. The alleys, the crossroads, the small towns, the same things happen. Constant acceleration and deceleration for groups of people. I feel like I'm cheating with adaptive cruise 😉. When we got to Thunder Bay, they had a large area bulldozed. Set up tents, big fire pits and an incredible amount of food. Meat on the bun, spaghetti, sandwiches, coffee, donuts, and whatever. They brought pallets of windshield washer fluid for everyone. Very humiliating how nice everyone is. This is what freedom feels like. I felt normal for once, not just like the last two years. Thanks for all the support it is much appreciated!! Well I'm going to sleep. Health. Thanks
Una carta de un camionero del Freedom Convoy que quería compartir su historia:
Hola a todos. Llegamos a Thunder Bay hoy. Me cuesta mucho encontrar palabras para expresar el impulso de este convoy. El convoy tiene 100 km de largo y crece todo el tiempo. El apoyo que tiene la gente es abrumador. Llegar a Winnipeg ayer fue bastante emotivo, las radios de comunicación se quedaron bastante calladas porque nadie podía encontrar palabras para expresar lo que sentíamos. Había gente amontonada en los arcenes de las calles. Coches aparcados y gente por kilómetros y kilómetros en la carretera de circunvalación que rodea la ciudad. ¡Los cuernos nunca dejaron de sonar! En los cuatro carriles que salen de Winnipeg, pensamos que era tiempo de inactividad, pero terminamos conduciendo de 5 a 20 km/h durante horas y horas. La gente tenía fuegos de campamento encendidos en las zanjas, fuegos artificiales, un rociador con brazos y grandes ¡Gracias! Letreros en las botavaras. Camiones grúa con los brazos levantados con letreros, luces intermitentes y banderas. Los arcenes de los cuatro carriles repletos de gente y coches. Pasos elevados llenos de gente. Toneladas de familias, niños pequeños, todos abrigados. Todos saltaban, bailaban, ondeaban carteles, banderas y linternas. Todo en -30. Ver lo felices que son los niños, sus sonrisas te emocionan un poco a veces. Así es como se supone que debe ser Canadá. Esta mañana, yendo a Ontario, el apoyo es asombroso. Las callejuelas, los cruces de caminos, los pueblos pequeños suceden las mismas cosas. Aceleración y desaceleración constantes para grupos de personas. Siento que estoy haciendo trampa con el crucero adaptativo 😉. Cuando llegamos a Thunder Bay, tenían un área grande arrasada. Carpas instaladas, grandes fogatas y una increíble cantidad de comida. Carne en el panecillo, espaguetis, sándwiches, café, donas y lo que sea. Trajeron palés de líquido limpiaparabrisas para todos. Muy humillante lo amable que es todo el mundo. Así es como se siente la libertad. Me sentí normal por una vez, no solo como los últimos dos años. Gracias por todo el apoyo es muy apreciado!! Bueno, me voy a dormir. Salud. Gracias
Musicalized by
Robert Lopez
"That music fell from heaven"
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Roberto Lopez
A letter from a Freedom Convoy trucker who wanted to share his story: Hi all. We arrived in Thunder Bay today. I am having a hard time finding words to express the momentum of this convoy. The convoy is 100 km long and is growing all the time. The support that people have is overwhelming. Arriving in Winnipeg yesterday was quite emotional, the communication radios were quite silent because no one could find words to express what we felt. There were people crowded on the shoulders of the streets. Parked cars and people for miles and miles on the ring road that surrounds the city. The horns never stopped sounding! On the four lanes out of Winnipeg, we thought it was downtime, but we ended up driving 3-12 mph for hours on end. People had camp fires lit in the ditches, fireworks, a sprinkler with booms, and big Thank You! Signs on the booms. Crane trucks with arms raised with signs, flashing lights and flags. The shoulders of the four lanes full of people and cars. Overpasses full of people. Tons of families, young children, all bundled up. Everyone jumped, danced, waved banners, flags, and lanterns. All in -30. Seeing how happy the children are, their smiles get you a little emotional sometimes. This is how Canada is supposed to be. This morning, going to Ontario, the support is amazing. The alleys, the crossroads, the small towns, the same things happen. Constant acceleration and deceleration for groups of people. I feel like I'm cheating with adaptive cruise 😉. When we got to Thunder Bay, they had a large area bulldozed. Set up tents, big fire pits and an incredible amount of food. Meat on the bun, spaghetti, sandwiches, coffee, donuts, and whatever. They brought pallets of windshield washer fluid for everyone. Very humiliating how nice everyone is. This is what freedom feels like. I felt normal for once, not just like the last two years. Thanks for all the support it is much appreciated!! Well I'm going to sleep. Health. Thanks
1 person likes this.
Roberto Lopez
A letter from a Freedom Convoy trucker who wanted to share his story: Hi all. We arrived in Thunder Bay today. I am having a hard time finding words to express the momentum of this convoy. The convoy is 100 km long and is growing all the time. The support that people have is overwhelming. Ar... View More
Like January 29, 2022