Robert farrow
on March 20, 2021 63 views
8 people like this.
Magaly Moley
Finally somebody told him what he is , a hypocry
Tony M
Varients are basically mutations. They hype it up as something scary, but they are always a weaker form of the original virus. A sign that it's settling down and dissipating in the population. Finally the Immune System is given attention. Fauci demon deflects and twists his response to confuse his brainwashed congregation at home. The highest paid government employee that wants people to live in perpetual fear.
Alexis Perez
And the paper they give people say you still can catch covid? So why take the vaccine. Its all bullshit to keep everyone as sheep...
8 people like this.
Magaly Moley
Finally somebody told him what he is , a hypocry
Like March 20, 2021
Tony M
Varients are basically mutations. They hype it up as something scary, but they are always a weaker form of the original virus. A sign that it's settling down and dissipating in the population. Finally the Immune System is given attention. Fauci demon deflects and twists his response to confuse his b... View More
Like March 20, 2021
Alexis Perez
And the paper they give people say you still can catch covid? So why take the vaccine. Its all bullshit to keep everyone as sheep...
Like March 23, 2021