Reborn Red
on January 7, 2021
The smoke has cleared, the getaway car is gone and we now know how the heist was orchestrated.
Like the motion picture The Matrix, Antifa was embedded amongst Trump supporters and led the storming of the Capitol. With weeks of public planning DC and Capitol police could have secured the Capitol knowing how many people were coming into town. They didn't
In the week leading up to the event, Republican Senators and Congressmen publicly planned to challenge states electoral certifications. They planned to expose the Unconstitutional changes the States made in order to change the way they voted. They planned on exposing voting irregularities, suppression, intimidation and fraud.
Of course anyone who knows how congress works, knows that politicians can do whatever they are told with a little motivation. Want a few billion sent to foreign governments? Grease some palms. Want to install a Chinese Communist backed president? Intimidate.
After Congress reconvened, weak congressman and women folded like a $100 pocket square.
So now we now how it went down, but what happens now?
We can expect that just like in China you cant just go visit the Imperial Palace. Now a Citizen will probably not be able to approach our Capitol.
As for everything else? The left has spent years taking our speech, guns, children, religion and now our ballot box. Will we continue to give it up?
The elected people in the Capitol are just pawns. Easily controlled by The Chinese Communist Party and the financiers of Antifa/BLM. The real enemy is the world media cartel that poisons the vulnerable minds of citizens who have been given the right to vote and don't understand that real power. And Big Tech that works in lockstep with the media cartel using deception and distraction.
Will the people make sure that not one single vote is cast on a digital voting machine again? But what will the people do to make sure that the press is free? What will the people to do make sure that before they vote they know what kind of a person they are really voting for?
©Reborn Red
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