Nurse Nett
on December 17, 2020
Gitmo full with deep state traitors.
Congress on trial.
RINO and Democrat Governors waiting trial.
All deep state assets seized.
All seized assets divided to US citizens.
And World Freedom!
Dimension: 999 x 558
File Size: 457.62 Kb
8 people like this.
Steve daSilva
Agree! In fact, the Democommies let a lot of prisoners out because of the covid plandemic, so there's absolutely NO excuse that these treasonous authoritarians can't be incarcerated.
8 people like this.
Steve daSilva
Agree! In fact, the Democommies let a lot of prisoners out because of the covid plandemic, so there's absolutely NO excuse that these treasonous authoritarians can't be incarcerated.
Like December 18, 2020