Jorene Kay
on December 3, 2020
A note to the married Ladies 🌸 Where you lean heavily on your husbands, I would offer an honest check in with the Holy Spirit in this season-is this his God given assignment to take on, or our Lord's to shoulder?
I was married once; it is so easy to confuse their role as protector, counselor, provider-with God's. If we allow these lines to become blurred, we place unattainable expectations on our spouses that they were never meant to reach.
As Women in Wait, we have learned that God is our Source of strength, provision and peace. Husbands are meant to be helpers, but not become our Holy Spirit. Husbands can hold you, but only God can fulfill you. Husbands can listen, but only God can answer the hearts cry. Husbands provide, but only God can sustain the paycheck.
If husbands are our everything, where does God fit into the equation?
God first, spouse second = complete agape love 🥰
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