Cara Moore
on October 14, 2020
Dimension: 503 x 540
File Size: 32.79 Kb
9 people like this.
Ron Bosley
I love her she isn’t taking any carp
Norman Cox
So she gets asked, jokingly by a Republican, who does the laundry with all the kids in the house. Fermentation and leftists go crazy and have a melt down. Idiot Cory Booker asks her if she has ever sexually assaulted anyone and it's crickets.
9 people like this.
Ron Bosley
I love her she isn’t taking any carp
Like October 14, 2020
Norman Cox
So she gets asked, jokingly by a Republican, who does the laundry with all the kids in the house. Fermentation and leftists go crazy and have a melt down. Idiot Cory Booker asks her if she has ever sexually assaulted anyone and it's crickets.
Like October 16, 2020