Larry West
on October 9, 2020
Dimension: 792 x 960
File Size: 79.54 Kb
8 people like this.
David R Klampert
You really think that Sleepy, Creepy, Pedo, old Slow Joe will score THAT high? Doesn't speak much for the average voter; well... (Never Mind). LOL! (Not really funny, but then it is.)
omar maymir
Unfortunately this prediction has been sabotaged by the enormous fraude perpetuated by the democrats unable to do a fair election.
8 people like this.
David R Klampert
You really think that Sleepy, Creepy, Pedo, old Slow Joe will score THAT high? Doesn't speak much for the average voter; well... (Never Mind). LOL! (Not really funny, but then it is.)
Like October 10, 2020
omar maymir
Unfortunately this prediction has been sabotaged by the enormous fraude perpetuated by the democrats unable to do a fair election.
Like November 14, 2020