Jennifer Neidinger
on September 18, 2020
#Oreganoessentialoil is used for respiratory tract disorders such as #coughs, #asthma, #croup, and #bronchitis. It is also used for gastrointestinal (GI) disorders such as #heartburn and #bloating. Other uses include treating #menstrual #cramps, #rheumatoid #arthritis, urinary tract disorders including #urinary #tract infections (UTIs), #headaches, and heart conditions.
The oil of oregano is taken by mouth for intestinal parasites, #allergies, sinus pain, arthritis, cold and flu, swine flu, earaches, and fatigue. It is applied to the skin for skin conditions including #acne, athlete's foot, oily skin, #dandruff, canker sores, #warts, #ringworm, #rosacea, and #psoriasis; as well as for insect and spider bites, gum disease, #toothaches, muscle pain, and #varicose #veins. Oregano oil is also used topically as an insect repellent.
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