Heather Ann
on September 13, 2020
It is important that you talk to God about every dream and fearful thought that you have during this hour. Many believers are having dreams and premonitions right now, but not all dreams and premonitions are from God. The enemy wants to give you bad dreams and bad premonitions to get you to agree with him and believe in his plans for you. Once you believe him, you’ve agreed with him! Then he is able to legally come in and do those things. The power of life and death is in the tongue! Your great and mighty God did not put you on this earth so that you can be as prey for the devil! You have the power to take authority over every evil spirit and every evil thing that the enemy has set against you. I feel this on my heart for believers tonight. I pray that you seek God Almighty over everything that comes across your mind during this hour. The enemy knows his time is short and is seeking whom he may devour. Do not let the enemy convince you that you have already lost the battle before you’ve even arrived to the battlefield. We are living in a season where many deceiving spirits have been sent forth. You have the power to speak life into your world. Your mouth is a weapon against the enemy. Your faith is a detriment to all of the enemy’s plans. Open your mouth and speak contrary to the enemy. Tell him how GREAT and MIGHTY your God is...
Get your armor on! You have a battle ahead and you are destined to defeat the enemy with the word of your testimony and by the blood of the Lamb.
You are God’s most precious creations. You are His children. He will never leave you or for sake you...
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