Heather Ann
on September 10, 2020
“Facebook is becoming a PUBLISHER on October 1st because of all their legal issues. It's their only way out, because they have been VIOLATING PEOPLE’S FREE SPEECH; something that a social media company is not allowed to do, but something a PUBLISHER IS allowed to do. This is DISASTROUS for Facebook users that are not left-leaning, who want to freely express their views. There will be stifling like you’ve NEVER SEEN before, and on Facebook you will only see the left's view from October 1st on, since A PUBLISHER DOES NOT HAVE TO ALLOW ANYTHING THEY DISAGREE WITH?. Their whole problem, up to now, is that they have tried to be a social media platform (which demands free speech according to our constitution). So they are solving their legal issues by becoming a publisher. By becoming a publisher, they also have RIGHTS TO EVERYTHING YOU POST, to do what they want with it, since you are contributing to a publisher's site.”
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