Millard Kinnison
on April 25, 2024
Together in Christ: 'No Satisfaction' — Proverbs 29:9
Thursday, April 25, 2024
If a wise person takes a fool to court, there will be ranting and ridicule but no satisfaction.
— Proverbs 29:9 NLT
I love this proverb, and I don't think it needs a lot of explanation. A wise person will likely gain very little satisfaction from trying to gain compensation from a fool. Fools seldom operate from reasonable, ethical, or appropriate standards of behavior, thinking, or values. [1] That is why they are known as fools. [2] Fools often have very little money to win back as compensation for their wrongs because they have wasted what they had. [3] Many foolish people don't believe in God and don't live by His ways, so their moral compass is warped. [4] Instead, fools often are loud, obnoxious, quarrelsome, and argumentative wrong-doers. [5] Trying to win back what is rightfully yours from a fool leads to loud conflicts and little satisfaction. We shouldn't seek retribution from fools — or anyone else — but rather focus our energies and attention on what can bring a blessing to others and honor God! [6]
[1] Proverbs 15:7, 14, 21; Ecclesiastes 7:7.
[2] Proverbs 10:8, 20, 17:16.
[3] Proverbs 10:14, 14:24, 21:20.
[4] Psalm 14:1, 53:1; Proverbs 1:7, 13:19, 14:19.
[5] Proverbs 10:23, 26, 12:16, 23, 15:2, 17:12; 18:2, 6, 20:3.
[6] Proverbs 10:21; Romans 12:19, 14:19, 15:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:11, 15; Ephesians 4:28-29; Jude 20; 1 Peter 3:9; Luke 6:27-28.
O dear Father, please bless me with the wisdom and courage not to try to get even or get compensation for the wounds inflicted by a fool. Based on your truth, I realize now that my time could better be invested in bringing Your goodness, grace, and blessing to others. I confess that a part of me wants to get even and get justice from those who have wounded or taken advantage of me. Nevertheless, I don't want to waste my time and energy only to grow more frustrated and dissatisfied. Even more so, I don't want to seek retribution when You have told me to love and forgive. I ask for the Holy Spirit's help to forgive and move on with my life. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
Psalm 53:1-6
Matthew 5:3-16, 38-48
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