Millard Kinnison
on April 19, 2024
MIKE JOHNSON, JUST ANOTHER SWAMP SPEAKER Cartoon published 04/18/2024 House Speaker Mike Johnson may not last long. He quickly went from MAGA to swampy morass. Instead of sending money to close our southern border, he wants even more billions of tax dollars sent to the lost cause that is Ukraine. This transmogrification happens to all Republican House speakers. Their conservative values get them elected and then they dash hopes by transforming into RINOs and Neo-cons. Paul Ryan did little other than service the Swamp agenda. He certainly couldn’t repeal Obamacare—neither could Mitch McConnell. Ryan is now an anti-Trumper who pulls strings behind the scenes along with Karl Rove, who recently flew into a tirade about how much he hated the J6 prisoners. That’s the Swamp talking. Kevin McCarthy proudly told us how he worked to modify the Democrat legislation that would inflict an additional 87,000 weaponized IRS agents upon us all. McCarthy only obtained a 10 percent cut. The Swamp still won—their biased IRS will come after the MAGA-minded and small businesses. The GOP establishment pretends to operate in favor of conservatives, but they are Republicans In Name Only (RINOs). They pretend they are accomplishing their promises, but they all compromise with the Swamp instead of fighting it. They soon become captured by it and then they support its further expansion. Johnson is overtly religious, but waving a Bible won’t calm the anger from the MAGA-minded. Pence talks about his religion all the time too, but it didn’t stop him from becoming another Judas. Johnson is following in Pence’s footsteps. One wonders what the Deep State three letter agencies have on Johnson. Regardless, Marjorie Greene and Matt Gaetz already want him gone even though they risk getting a Democrat as speaker. Right now it doesn’t seem to matter. — Ben Garrison
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