

Heidi M Parker
on August 25, 2023
Husband or I do not go to neighbors . We respect privacy between neighbors . But they come to us and we of course say yes and do . So this again another lie being caught in once again . Prayerfully will come down only to the property manger was against us . That no one else is against us. Since Legal Aid has us doing in written form . We can clearly prove in court we was being bullied by a apartment manager . But let's continue to pray no need for it to go to that level
God works it outside the court system which is now sadly corrupt AMEN \0/
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Heidi M Parker
As husband and I start checking our character integrity . That sadly has become tarnish. That we will come back with a green check mark . With understanding there was some imperfections made Romans 3:23 But nothing worthy of having over us this eviction threat hanging over us.
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Heidi M Parker
Like August 26, 2023
Heidi M Parker
As husband and I start checking our character integrity . That sadly has become tarnish. That we will come back with a green check mark . With understanding there was some imperfections made Romans 3:23 But nothing worthy of having over us this eviction threat hanging over us.
Like August 26, 2023