

Heidi M Parker
on July 28, 2023
Caught a neighbor video me Was out before quite time Due to EXTREME HEAT . So now starting to learn how the bully is gathering information . But not going directly to husband or I and not even indirectly . Using others to spy on us to gather false information
Sad times not even allowed to be a good neighbor any more
Glad husband not I doing communcation
Yes I'm using https://anotepad.com/ taking notes
Dimension: 1166 x 799
File Size: 193.51 Kb
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Heidi M Parker
We will remain to be a GOOD NEIGHBOR Bring HOPE But since tactic bully using against us and officially proven doing so. Will be taking notes as we do and try to speak little with out being impolite . Like walking on eggshells DO NOT CRACK those eggs .
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Heidi M Parker
Like July 28, 2023
Heidi M Parker
We will remain to be a GOOD NEIGHBOR Bring HOPE But since tactic bully using against us and officially proven doing so. Will be taking notes as we do and try to speak little with out being impolite . Like walking on eggshells DO NOT CRACK those eggs .
Like July 28, 2023