Police The Police
on July 12, 2023
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Police The Police
He was running because he was scared of being shot. His fears proved correct and now he's paralyzed and suing the city for $50 million. Read More: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop-watch/watch-cop-shoots-innocent-unarmed-man-in-the-back-paralyzes-him-taxpayers-to-be-held-liable
1 person likes this.
Police The Police
He was running because he was scared of being shot. His fears proved correct and now he's paralyzed and suing the city for $50 million. Read More: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop-watch/watch-cop-shoots-innocent-unarmed-man-in-the-back-paralyzes-him-taxpayers-to-be-held-liable
Like July 12, 2023