Heidi M Parker
on July 7, 2023
Truthfully honestly I must confess I might not be handling this bully as What Would Jesus Do . Flooding spamming as I reach out . That people will see once and far I'm dealing with a bully . Who is determine to evict us . That it is the bully causing me to reach out like I am doing so . That God calms my monster and send helpers All those I've reached out will understand we need HELP
That rumor gossip turn into prayer someone back in office For monster does good working when person in office .
Dimension: 236 x 246
File Size: 15.09 Kb
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Heidi M Parker
satan is trying best to make me bully back as I'm being bully This is what would satan do and sadly I'm falling into satan trap PRAY BOLDLY that unless they reach out to me . That I do no reaching out the week of July 10 zilch of beans . Need to show I'm not a bully just one who being bullied .
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Heidi M Parker
Like July 7, 2023
Heidi M Parker
satan is trying best to make me bully back as I'm being bully This is what would satan do and sadly I'm falling into satan trap PRAY BOLDLY that unless they reach out to me . That I do no reaching out the week of July 10 zilch of beans . Need to show I'm not a bully just one who being bullied .
Like July 7, 2023