

Heidi M Parker
on June 28, 2023
I will never know who called the city to report the issues . The problems are 55+ community we call home are facing . But I was right those who needed to know the negative knew zilch . For the bully never once told them of the negative this community is facing . But flashlight on I can now relax mourn over passing of my beloved Brownie Let everyone get through the 4 of July weekend Report back in on July 5 and month from than in out check in Moving to my prayer closet AMEN \0/
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Heidi M Parker
Sadly bully chased away ( 2 ) good property managers . See they are looking for another property manager . They say third time a charm . So they will hire someone who want to build this community into a PLACE of HOPE . Go toe to toe with this bully as needs to so so . Not become chased off AMEN \0/
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Heidi M Parker
Like June 28, 2023
Heidi M Parker
Sadly bully chased away ( 2 ) good property managers . See they are looking for another property manager . They say third time a charm . So they will hire someone who want to build this community into a PLACE of HOPE . Go toe to toe with this bully as needs to so so . Not become chased off AMEN \0/
Like June 28, 2023