This is Serena Shim.
She was an American citizen working as a journalist in Syria.
She exposed that the Turkish Government was aiding ISIS on live television.
2 days later she was killed in a "car accident" and the US Government continues to refuse to investigate her death.
The US Government won't investigate murders of their own citizens, but will hunt people all around the globe for decades if they expose illegal actions committed by Government/Military because of "national security."
Usually when a country fails, somebody from NATO, the UN, the Americans, the British...somebody from the international community gets over there and secures the heavy weapons and artillery. They don't want a bunch of missiles capable of blowing commercial aircraft out of the sky falling into their enemy's hands.
Except when the CIA ousted Quadaffi. That stuff just disappeared, and magically re-appeared in the hands of "revolutionary forces" in Syria, where Hillary was trying to topple Assad.
To get there it had to move through Turkey, where this young lady reported seeing it being transported, and hours later, she was killed.
They mean to send a message. A message that is meant to keep us silent. They don't have to censor if everyone censors themselves.
And that my friends is why it seems like nobody does real journalism anymore. They're scared. Rightfully so.
The Government may claim to care about you, but when push comes to shove, when the Elites' interests are at stake, you'll be sold out IMMEDIATELY.
Share this. Share her story. There were many like her before and there will be many like her after.
Do not let them continue to get away with this. We need more good journalism, whistleblowing, transparency, and truth.
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