

Heidi M Parker
on February 22, 2023
Some dropped everything and ran to the space, some contemplated- discerned- and then went, some driving for long hours, to see, to be in the physical sight of this stirring of the spirit.
Others stayed where they were. They watched, listened from afar, yet they still felt the stirring of their soul from the sights, from the sounds coming from that gathering.
Still others stand in skeptical observance of all that is swirling around this entire event. Unsure, is it real? Is it of God or only emotion?
As for me, I felt some stirring at first to go- to run to that space, but then I knew that was not the plan for me. I spent time watching the progress of the outpouring. I cried to the sounds of all those wonderful young people singing and praising, and I prayed.
Prayed for my path in this Spirit moved, well-spring of faith that was flowing from Asbury to the farthest regions across our globe.
Then I realized my place. As a pastor of a small church, in a small town, in Missouri - this is my place. My place to encourage. To love. To find ways to share the feeling of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Ways to fan the flame of life changing faith right here in our community.
A time to help our church family embrace praying for the youth to find their path to serve and build the Kingdom.
A time for each person here to be ignited in that same stirring of their soul.
To share with this part of Gods family, that we are all different - unique and wonderfully made by God - and because of this uniqueness, God reaches out to touch our souls in many different and unique ways.
Some need music to touch their soul, some need stillness. Others may need fellowship, while some may need to come to the rail and lay their burden down.
The lesson for me in watching all this play out over these days is - let it be. Let it be one of the wonderful and unique ways in which God stirs and works in the souls of those who need this event to bring them closer to Him.
It may not be what you need - but it is what thousands of others did need. Praise God for a Father in heaven that knows the special ways to reach to each of his children in the way they need him to come - and let not any of us judge whether that “way” is right or wrong, it just is.
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