Tabitha N Shipley
on September 6, 2020
I cannot believe I haven't sold ONE of these beautiful wallhug bundles yet!? These are part of our fundraiser for essential workers ya'll! Shop for a cause and get a beautiful fragrance and decor piece for your home! Buy one for you and a friend! If I sell 10 of these by tomorrow (Sunday) everyone who purchased will go into a drawing for a free gift!
They are still available so get yours while you can! I am also offering the same special for the Angel Grace Soaks and Sprinkles bundle - I want to sell at least 10 of those and everyone who purchase that bundle will also go into a drawing for a free gift!
#pinkzebra #givingneversmelledsogood #september2020 #waxwarmers #waxmelts #soywax #AngelGrace #riseup #tabithashipley #teamzebraforce #workingfromhome #momboss #mombosshustle #entreprenuer #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #shopsmallshoplocal #angelwings #redefineyourfuture #joinme #saturdayvibes #pinksapphiregoal #angels #angelwings #mindsetshift #fundraising #fundraiser
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