

Heidi M Parker
on February 1, 2023
Apartment complex we live in Is a historical site Glad putting it to good use not tear down as needs not to happen no way no how . But does need a lot of tender loving care and pray this inspection brings this out in the open once and for all . Start seeing action being worked on not neglected as happening now .
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Heidi M Parker
At least not a full year as was in 2022 with no one in office . Some one left now some one back in office . Pray has a strong back bone . That can deal directly with a two face personality . So things can become done . Around apartment complex that husband and I call home PRAY ONWARD SOLIDER ONWARD
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Heidi M Parker
Like February 1, 2023
Heidi M Parker
At least not a full year as was in 2022 with no one in office . Some one left now some one back in office . Pray has a strong back bone . That can deal directly with a two face personality . So things can become done . Around apartment complex that husband and I call home PRAY ONWARD SOLIDER ONWARD
Like February 1, 2023