Jerry kruger
on August 12, 2022
Dimension: 720 x 960
File Size: 88.85 Kb
9 people like this.
Erika Blas
You've been advised. 👍 I wonder if the fire department vehicles are short enough to clear the maximum allowable clearance for underground parking.🤔 Nope! I'll keep my fossil fuel vehicle with the old fashioned battery.😉
Jerry kruger
????????????Shinjin Arashikage????
It's amazing how these idiots are attacking the fossil fuel agencies and yet the EVs that they're pushing down our throats needs coals and natural gas to generate electricity to power the EVs
9 people like this.
Erika Blas
You've been advised. 👍 I wonder if the fire department vehicles are short enough to clear the maximum allowable clearance for underground parking.🤔 Nope! I'll keep my fossil fuel vehicle with the old fashioned battery.😉
Like August 12, 2022
Jerry kruger
Like August 12, 2022
????????????Shinjin Arashikage????
It's amazing how these idiots are attacking the fossil fuel agencies and yet the EVs that they're pushing down our throats needs coals and natural gas to generate electricity to power the EVs
Like August 14, 2022