Heidi M Parker
on August 8, 2022
I've rocked the boat to the point of eviction level and got violated .My Spirit says to pay rent and at the same time something goes wrong .Act like home owners you fix it yourselves and about ready for a new toilet even . But get that fairly reasonable and take old put it down by the maintenance shop .
It's sad steeps to this level and yes I'm one of many moving this to legal aid for broken communication . No one in office and I'm to four different phone numbers now . Leave voice message never return the call . So wouldn't this also cause you to go outside the box as I did ? That is a violation possible eviction being received now . Legal for me to want have communication . Even got outside the box as I did is legal to do .
It's easy to use us as a scape goat giving us a violation . Than fix this broken communication this apartment complex husband and I now find ourselves living . So yes I've responded back even though they said not to respond back . Pray just receive verbal violation and not a written violation now . So I can lay low pay my rent and keep a roof over husband and I head . For we can do basic repairs as needed ourselves . We need them not for this . Was homeowners for years and did ourselves any way and so can do again .
Legal Aid now working with . Says I'm doing lawfully the proper way I'm handling this negative . That surely must be the Lord working through me .
Prayer unchanged we need a communication line that works Lord at least knows my heart is pure and I desire a apartment community where people proudly can call it home .
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