on March 18, 2022
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David R Klampert
There are some EXCELLENT books written on this topic by a host of authors, chief among them is the late, great, unsung American hero Irwin, A. Schiff who died an American political prisoner, handcuffed to a prison hospital gurney as he died of cancer. His "CRIME"? Using IRS material, documents and correspondence allowing they themselves to PROVE THEIR CRIMINAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL EXISTENCE then documenting his experiences and exchanges with the IRS in several of his great books. (1976), THE BIGGEST CON - HOW THE GOVERNMENT IS FLEECING YOU; (1980), THE KINGDOM OF MOLTZ - ABOUT INFLATION AND WHERE IT COMES FROM; (1985), HOW AND ECONOMY GROWS AND WHY IT DOESN'T, (also in 1985), THE GREAT INCOME TAX HOAX; (1990) THE FEDERAL MAFIA - HOW IT ILLEGALLY IMPOSES AND UNLAWFULLY COLLECTS INCOME TAXES. Schiff (NOT to be confused with the mendacious and swindling "Representative" Adam Schitt), had written others as well, and there are other great authors on this subject and that of the FRAUDULENT "Federal Reserve", (no more "Federal" than is Federal Express and who's "Reserves" amount to nothing more than printing presses and a ton of IOU "bonds" held, due and payable by YOU, the American Taxpayer and is the sole reason that the "FED" has its' own PRIVATE COLLECTION AGENCY known as the I.R.S.) There are a host of other authors and books written as well of which I have several, but nowhere near an exhaustive collection in my library. By Shelley L. Davis, (1997), UNBRIDLED POWER – INSIDE THE SECRET CULTURE OF THE IRS; by Congressman George Hansen(1981), HOW THE IRS SEIZED YOUR DOLLARS AND HOW TO FIGHT BACK; by G. Edward Griffin, (1994), THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND; Peter Eric Hendrickson, (2003), CRACKING THE CODE - THE FASCINATING TRUTH ABOUT TAXATION IN AMERICA; Eustace Mullins, (1993) THE SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE; Ellen Hodgson Brown, J.D., WEB OF DEBT - THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT OUR MONEY SYSTEM AND HOW WE CAN BREAK FREE; the rather disturbing book by Paul T. Hellyer, (2014) THE MONEY MAFIA - A WORLD IN CRISIS; then, just for good measure by Wiliam K. Black is his 2005 work: THE BEST WAY TO ROB A BANK IS TO OWN ONE. This list is far from an "exhaustive" look at the multitude of ways in which WE The PEOPLE are being SWINDLED on a DAILY BASIS. Add into the mix the ALTERNATIVE INCOME TAX THAT HITS EVERYBODY EXCEPT THE ULTRA WEALTHY and ELITE, INFLATION, and you will quickly see that our DEBT BASED "FEDERAL RESERVE DICTATED ECONOMY has EACH AND EVERY AMERICAN SCREWED STRAIGHT TO THE FLOOR.
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David R Klampert
There are some EXCELLENT books written on this topic by a host of authors, chief among them is the late, great, unsung American hero Irwin, A. Schiff who died an American political prisoner, handcuffed to a prison hospital gurney as he died of cancer. His "CRIME"? Using IRS material, documents and c... View More
Like March 18, 2022