Robert farrow
on December 6, 2021
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robert shewey
Isn"t funny that those who hate what Hitler did to the Jews, are the ones who will accept the "travel pass" without question. Hate to tell you, Hitler FORCE the Jews to show "travel papers" in order to move about in Germany. That"s right! You, the vaxxed are the NEW JEWS! Just remember to say, "Jawohl, mein führer! (Yes, my leader!) when showing your "travel pass."
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robert shewey
Isn"t funny that those who hate what Hitler did to the Jews, are the ones who will accept the "travel pass" without question. Hate to tell you, Hitler FORCE the Jews to show "travel papers" in order to move about in Germany. That"s right! You, the vaxxed are the NEW JEWS! Just remember to say, "Jawo... View More
Like December 6, 2021