Tory Cain
on July 31, 2020
I want you to listen to this carefully. After all the acts to take Trump down over the past 3 years, they couldn’t. They started a global pandemic to kill as many people as they can. They are burning down our country and letting regular citizens kill each other and even innocent bystanders. They will stop at nothing to defeat him. Why?? Because Orange Man bad?? No!! Because they are fighting for their own lives because he is going to take them all down. All of them. Corrupt governments, New World Order,child sex trafficking & ritual child sacrifice, gun running, rigged elections, etc. Every bit of evil they do and have done is about to be exposed. And they are literally fighting for their lives. This is the most important election probably in our nations history. If he does not win, this country is over. Our freedoms are gone. And we will never regain power again because they will change the rules. If you love this country you better be prepared for the fight of our lives. If you do not have the stomach for this I do not know what else to say!! Think of your families. Think of your kids. Pray and ask God for strength. This is their last battle. It’s time to stand up. And even if you don’t normally vote, it’s time to stand up for the sake of others. You have no other option. God bless our President and God save the United States!! And the WORLD.
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