Robert farrow
on October 28, 2021
Here’s how a father named Scott Smith was treated when he went to his local school board in Virginia to protest the rape of his daughter at school by a transgender boy. This is who Merrick Garland and Joe Biden think is a threat to America: parents protecting their children https://t.co/6SQ6Kmfit
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2 people like this.
This is a particularly disturbing story and the wrongdoing has to be addressed. Furthermore, this father is owed a public apology and his daughter deserves a lot more than that. All "authorities" involved in this need to be held accountable.
2 people like this.
This is a particularly disturbing story and the wrongdoing has to be addressed. Furthermore, this father is owed a public apology and his daughter deserves a lot more than that. All "authorities" involved in this need to be held accountable.
Like October 28, 2021