Robert farrow
on October 22, 2021
The latest @UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance report now reports that the vaccinated are testing positive at a higher rate than the unvaccinated for every age group from 30-39 up ... https://t.co/GdTvMFN2KM
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robert shewey
Because the vaccine shots ARE the disease. As long as people keep getting the shots, there will be covid cases. They know this and is one reason they are pushing the shots so hard. To keep control over us. The other reason are the LIFETIME SIDE EFFECTS that people who take and keep take will have. Meaning, the dems keep control over you through vaccines, and big pharma become trillionaires.
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robert shewey
Because the vaccine shots ARE the disease. As long as people keep getting the shots, there will be covid cases. They know this and is one reason they are pushing the shots so hard. To keep control over us. The other reason are the LIFETIME SIDE EFFECTS that people who take and keep take will have. M... View More
Like October 22, 2021