Robert farrow
on October 3, 2021
This data is interesting. The highlighted groups were vaccinated first (Dec 27, 2020) compared to the others. The infection rate among 0-14 days after the first shot is higher than the unvax'd people. This indicates that vaccines helped in virus spreading. https://t.co/iPE3dDT185 https://t.co/hJ8M0AxYCH
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robert shewey
This just proves that the vaccines didn"t help with the spread of the virus, that the vaccines ARE the virus. Why do you think the PCR test wasn"t calibrated for covid, and reports from nurses nationwide, there is NO test for the delta variant? Why that countries that have low vaccination rates [Uttar Pradesh, India] have low covid rates, while highly vaccinated countries [Israel] have a high covid cases? Connecting the dots is easy, but americans have been taught to be lazy, and lazy people are easier to control.
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robert shewey
This just proves that the vaccines didn"t help with the spread of the virus, that the vaccines ARE the virus. Why do you think the PCR test wasn"t calibrated for covid, and reports from nurses nationwide, there is NO test for the delta variant? Why that countries that have low vaccination rates [Utt... View More
Like October 3, 2021