Robert farrow
on October 3, 2021
Dimension: 965 x 1287
File Size: 208.12 Kb
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David R Klampert
Myself? For a COLD virus with a 99.995% or better survivability rate, it would be a cold day in hell before I would allow some, rushed, experimental, gene altering bio-chem cocktail be injected into me. Anyone else remember the Jimmy Carter Administration and the non-occurring Hong Kong flu epidemic that never occurred; remember? Where more people died of the rushed vaccine than died of the annual flu that ultimately did go around?? Nope, not for some flipping COLD VIRUS that Fauci's “Gain of Function Lab in China cooked up! What the hell were they doing as they applied "Gain of Function” to CREATE a human susceptible virus from a benign AMIMAL VIRUS in the first place?? Not me thanks, I'll rather ride this one out!
Randall Levy
Don't listen to healthcare period anymore. No one should be getting the vaccine.
David R Klampert
A worthwhile twenty-three and a half minute video to pay attention to: https://rumble.com/vmy6bq-dr-vladimir-zelenko-takes-a-big-risk-by-telling-it-all..html
David R Klampert
See also the documentary, TOTALLY UNDER CONTROL. There are some NASTY and EVIL mechanizations going on behind the scenes.
6 people like this.
David R Klampert
Myself? For a COLD virus with a 99.995% or better survivability rate, it would be a cold day in hell before I would allow some, rushed, experimental, gene altering bio-chem cocktail be injected into me. Anyone else remember the Jimmy Carter Administration and the non-occurring Hong Kong flu epidemic... View More
Like October 3, 2021
Randall Levy
Don't listen to healthcare period anymore. No one should be getting the vaccine.
Like October 3, 2021
David R Klampert
A worthwhile twenty-three and a half minute video to pay attention to: https://rumble.com/vmy6bq-dr-vladimir-zelenko-takes-a-big-risk-by-telling-it-all..html
Like October 3, 2021
David R Klampert
See also the documentary, TOTALLY UNDER CONTROL. There are some NASTY and EVIL mechanizations going on behind the scenes.
Like October 3, 2021