Joy Rene
on September 10, 2021
What makes my little Black Unicorn better than all the other products out there???
Long story short -
Most Shilajit / fulvic acids are "shale/lignite extracted" - meaning they’re chemically and/or mechanically processed from "coal" - and are rock/coal derived and not only have a lower bioavailability....but also don’t have their fulvic acid intact well as the molecule is a sensitive one and can be degraded easily.
Also - most products only have fulvic acid - which doesn’t work nearly as well as fulvic and humic acid combined, as they’re sister molecules in which one makes the other one work better.
Liquid supplements you’re paying for mostly water - and end up being drastically more expensive, and deliver far less fulvic per serving than My unicorn does.
My unicorn is peat bog extracted - so it’s the 60,000 year old remains of over 1,500 different plant species and the minerals are in the most bioavailable form you can get, AND it has BOTH fulvic and humic acid to ensure that you get the maximim results possible from as little as possible.
This is why people are able to use literally 1/8th of a tsp per day and see incredible results - because the product is exceedingly potent.
Finally - the fulvic/humic acid is "flash frozen" upon extraction to ensure that ALL of the beneficial microbes and chemical compounds remain intact so that you can get EVERYTHING delivered to you without compromise.
While it’s a little bit more investment up front - you end up getting a product that lasts FAR LONGER and does FAR MORE.....and lets you use FAR LESS than you would with competitors.
Reach out if your intrugued!
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