Tabitha N Shipley
on July 13, 2020
8/7 (Mark your calendars!) at 8:30pm to 11:59pm you will be able to SHOP the new items because I signed up for our virtual reunion!! This VIP shopping experience will be available those hours ONLY, to anyone who shops my website! They will go away until 8/12, so you being my amazing customers...will get first chance to shop during those hours!!!! Yay!!!! Thank you ALL for your amazing and continued support! This year is going to be the BEST YEAR EVER! Goals! PINK SAPPHIRE AND EARN OUR INCENTIVE TRIP!
#pinkzebra #homescents #homefragrance #decor #fragrancelover #fragrancefun #vipshopping #girlboss #tabithashipley #teamzebraforce #joinme #pinksapphiregoal #goaldigger #July2020 #youchoose #changeitup #changeisgood #mindsetmatters #mindcontrol #expectations #sunday #bossbabemovement #bossbabesociete #homebusinessmom #hometownreunion #reunion2020
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