Equal Justice for ALL
on February 4, 2021
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8 people like this.
Cindy Shivers
I've been watching MonkeyWerks fight information... It IS rather strange!!!
Kristina Jefferson
There have been sightings of trump at Mara lago. There are videos of him there! Don jr is posting videos all the time. So what does this even mean?
Equal Justice for ALL
It is a puzzlement... There's usually a signal from security on site from aircraft signals. None have been there, as is the norm. Others are still sighted on Bush's residence, etc. but not in Florida. So.. it's definitely DIFFERENT. Keeping watch on this end.
Milisa barry
I know this is true... I've also heard another attempt on our Presidents life by a sniper happened on Tuesday night, very early 🕒 morning hours.
George H Minchew
I keep up with MonkeyWerks also. Keep track of flights that are headed to GITMO.
8 people like this.
Cindy Shivers
I've been watching MonkeyWerks fight information... It IS rather strange!!!
Like February 4, 2021
Kristina Jefferson
There have been sightings of trump at Mara lago. There are videos of him there! Don jr is posting videos all the time. So what does this even mean?
Like February 4, 2021
Equal Justice for ALL
It is a puzzlement... There's usually a signal from security on site from aircraft signals. None have been there, as is the norm. Others are still sighted on Bush's residence, etc. but not in Florida. So.. it's definitely DIFFERENT. Keeping watch on this end.
Like February 4, 2021
Milisa barry
I know this is true... I've also heard another attempt on our Presidents life by a sniper happened on Tuesday night, very early 🕒 morning hours.
Like February 4, 2021
George H Minchew
I keep up with MonkeyWerks also. Keep track of flights that are headed to GITMO.
Like February 5, 2021