Equal Justice for ALL
on January 30, 2021
🚨🚨🚨#Defending Democracy Together#🚨🚨🚨
a top “dark money” group that bills itself as an “advocacy organization created by lifelong conservatives and Republicans”—really Washington establishment hacks opposed to former President Donald Trump.
🚨#The Bulwark#🚨
Both led by Bill Kristol, Republican turncoat now Democrat
🚨🚨DDT was the biggest outside political spender in the 2020 election, according to OpenSecrets, dropping a stunning $15.6 million in independent expenditures savaging Trump and aiding Democratic nominee Joe Biden.🚨🚨
🚨#Hopewell Fund#🚨
The Hopewell Fund is part of a multi-billion-dollar “dark money” funding network in Washington, DC, that funnels cash from leftist mega-donors such as Bill Gates and George Soros.🚨
🚨#Republican Accountability Project#🚨
Now DDT runs the Republican Accountability Project, which aims to punish Republican politicians who worked with Trump by purging “Trumpism” from the GOP.🚨
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2 people like this.
Cindy Shivers
I need to remember those names!!!!
2 people like this.
Cindy Shivers
I need to remember those names!!!!
Like January 30, 2021