Chris Yost
on January 25, 2021
Failed and embarassed El Paso, TX Congressional and Mayoral candidate Samuel Lee Williams, Jr. Is at it again.
He ran and FAILED in 2018 mustering only 43 votes (verified on ballotpedia and see screenshots).
He boasted he was "the most qualified candidate" yet you will see he lost 50% of his voter support from Primary election to run off while his opponent won and GAINED 700 votes.
He then ran off to beg for money to buy his way on the El Paso Mayoral ballot not getting anywhere close to his demand of $10K.
This guy whom attacked disabled veterans, reporters, Republicans, women, children and even attempted to dox a retired ICE Officers personal information (a crime might I add) as well as posting photos and names of journalist and crew to BLM and ANTIFA when they covered September Washington, DC riots.
This guy also attempted Stolen Valor claiming to be an 18B, Special Forces Weapons Sergeant, raised up 1at SF Group as a Private, skipped Selection (SFAS) and went strait to Q Course (Qualification) and he rarned a coveted Combat Infantryman Badge (CIB) while "attached" to an Infantry unit as a Engineer or Transportation Corps. (See attached link for news article and Williams caught on audio making the claims) additionally on audio his immigration policy, as he agrees with his Korean immigrant spouse in regards to migrants with "F*CK 'EM and I agree".
Williams is also now ANTI-1st Amendmrnt from his Twitter post dated January 24, 2021 @ 630pm MST (approx.) so much for honoring your oath to " PROTECT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION FROM ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC", then again, Williams has ALWAYS been a two faved hypocrite in El Paso politics "DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO" and its okay for him to say and do things but you can NOT do thise to him.
No wonder his campaign "tactics" are taken from Alinsky's Rules for Radicals to which he blames others for what he himself does.
El Paso do NOT vote for a guy who can't win any election and only cries and screams racism. Williams is a narcissist and unstable manchild who has no campaign knowlrdge (he would have won at least one election right?) All he does is resort to desparate narcissistic smear tactics.
Look for yourself. Vote ANYONE but Sam " Stolen Valor" Williams for El Paso.
Copy and paste link into search bar and read Stolen Valor article and hear audio.
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