Vincent Williams
on January 18, 2021
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Kimberly Gould
The Republican party is dead in the water. They take our money and then forget about us until they need to be re-elected. The GOP has FAILED our President and this Republic.....Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Jim Jordan, Madison Cawthorn and the President.....that’s about it. NOT Tom Cotton, NOT Dan Crenshaw.......President Trump and a handful and that’s ALL plus the 75+ million who have NO POWER AT ALL. #thegopisdead #thegopisdead
2 people like this.
Kimberly Gould
The Republican party is dead in the water. They take our money and then forget about us until they need to be re-elected. The GOP has FAILED our President and this Republic.....Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Jim Jordan, Madison Cawthorn and the President.....that’s about it. NOT Tom Cotton, NOT Dan Cren... View More
Like January 18, 2021