Reinaldo Chavez
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961 Total views
Alberto F Esperon
This is what freedom of speech is all about. We won't mind that you promote other social media platforms here. I'm one of the Admin here in and if this is your own platform good for you man. Is good to have alternatives.
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961 Total views
Alberto F Esperon
This is what freedom of speech is all about. We won't mind that you promote other social media platforms here. I'm one of the Admin here in and if this is your own platform good for you man. Is good to have alternatives.
Like September 13, 2021
Reinaldo Chavez
,  and 6 others likes this.
1k+ Total views
Exactly and I refuse! Re-fuse! To wear a mask it does not keep you from getting any damn virus if anyone with any common sense would do their own research you would know this information instead of media feeding you fear!!!
Albert Sanchez
They look very similer Don't they's.not good
Oscar vela
I know people that never took their mask off and the still tested positive
Oscar vela
Reinaldo Chavez
Please follow me there
,  and 6 others likes this.
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Exactly and I refuse! Re-fuse! To wear a mask it does not keep you from getting any damn virus if anyone with any common sense would do their own research you would know this information instead of media feeding you fear!!!
Like January 19, 2021
Albert Sanchez
They look very similer Don't they's.not good
Like January 19, 2021
Oscar vela
I know people that never took their mask off and the still tested positive
Like February 3, 2021
Oscar vela
Like February 3, 2021
Reinaldo Chavez
Please follow me there
Like February 13, 2021
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998 Total views
Reinaldo Chavez
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Amanda Conley
I hate Deweenie.
Agarraditos d la mano a 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
We all ready know mitt romney smh
Albert Sanchez
Well their all gonna get a big supprize very soon just remember the storm is upon us so hold on tight it may be a bumpy ride at the beganning but it will be worth the trip
Its scary i with we doomed
,  and 7 others likes this.
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Like January 14, 2021
Amanda Conley
I hate Deweenie.
Like January 14, 2021
Agarraditos d la mano a 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Like January 17, 2021
We all ready know mitt romney smh
Like January 17, 2021
Albert Sanchez
Well their all gonna get a big supprize very soon just remember the storm is upon us so hold on tight it may be a bumpy ride at the beganning but it will be worth the trip
Like January 17, 2021
Its scary i with we doomed
Like January 17, 2021
Donald J Trump is my President
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 and 3 others likes this.
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Donald J Trump is my President
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 and 3 others likes this.
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Like January 17, 2021
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